Ledig stilling

Helse Sør-øst RHF

Research group leader position

Offentlig forvaltning

Oslo University Hospital (OUH) is Norway’s largest hospital with over 20 000 employees and a budget of > 20 billion NOK. OUH is the local hospital for the majority of Oslo's population and delivers specialized care for the inhabitants in the South-Eastern Health region in Norway (3 million), and also highly specialized care at a national level.  The Hospital produces a major part of medical research and education of health personnel in Norway. OUH as the only hospital in Norway is a European accredited Comprehensive Cancer Center.  An institutional cancer board is appointed to coordinate cancer activity across divisions and departments to facilitate quality and development of cancer care and research in the institution.

The Department of Pathology is one out of seven departments within the Division of Laboratory medicine (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pf4ZtMsryzk). It is the largest pathology department in Norway, with over 300 employees.
Research performed in the Department of Pathology is currently organized in six research groups which integrate university and hospital research activities. Current research topics address cancer, immunopathology, inflammation and neurodegenerative diseases (https://www.ous-research.no/pathology/). The research groups collaborate extensively with local, national and international investigators. Opportunities to perform translational research are excellent, supported by state-of-the-art core facilities. 

We have currently a 100 % permanent position as research group leader available. Start-up by agreement.

Oslo University Hospital is a workplace with great diversity. We believe this is crucial for solving our tasks in the best possible way. We want this diversity to be reflected among the applicants for our positions, and we encourage all qualified candidates, regardless of background, to apply!


Eligibility requirements:

  • Applicants must hold a degree equivalent to a Norwegian doctoral degree in medicine or related disciplines with documented experience as principal investigator/group leader.
  • Demonstrated strong publication record in experimental or surgical pathology.
  • Demonstrated high success rate in receiving external funding.
  • Demonstrated experience in scientific writing, scientific presentations, and in supervising students/PhD students.

Vi tilbyr:

We offer:

  • An exciting research environment with opportunities for academic development.
  • Excellent laboratory facilities and access to a variety of state-of-the-art core facilities.
  • Salary for group leader depends on qualifications.

Applications are submitted by clicking on the link "apply for the position" , together with uploaded relevant diplomas and certificates.