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    Oppmåling og kartlegging
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  • Arbetserfsrenhet
  • Adress
    9173, NY-ÅLESUND
  • Antal befattningar
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  • Se här för andra jobb från Kartverket
  • Uppdaterad 27.10.2023

Utgått annons

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A challenging job for adventurers with high technical skills


Oppmåling og kartlegging

The Norwegian Mapping Authority (NMA) has an extensive remit that encompass both land and sea. We collate and manage detailed geographic information from Norway, from the highest mountain to the deepest ocean floor and facilitate easy access through our national spatial data infrastructure in our role as Norway’s national geodata coordinator.

We have 13 offices in Norways mainland and an earth observatory in Ny-Ålesund, Svalbard. NMA was established in 1773 and is the oldest technical agency in Norway. 


Would you like to know more about the Earth’s shape, rotation and gravitational field, and the way these change over time? Are you curious to experience the arctic climate, the incredible wildlife and beautiful nature in a close-knit research community?

We are searching for a new operations engineer at our geodetic Earth observatory in Ny-Ålesund, Spitsbergen. We are looking for an enthusiastic individual who would like to join our small team of skilled people dealing with installation and operations of our cutting-edge geodetic instrumentation. Ny-Ålesund is a small scientific community with an international atmosphere. There is no cellular phone coverage, and the use of WiFi and Bluetooth is strictly prohibited in Ny-Ålesund. Your family can visit the community but are not allowed to live there. You must be able to handle the use of firearms for self-protection due to the presence of polar bears.

Our geodetic observatory is one of a handful of core sites within the Global Geodetic Observing System (GGOS), co-locating the four space geodetic techniques: Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and Doppler Orbitography and Radio positioning Integrated by Satellite (DORIS).

This role calls for the capacity and capability to understand electronics, radio frequencies, and operational software. It calls for technical competence, problem-solving skills and you must be a team player.

The positions at the observatory are fixed-term positions, 75 %, for a period of three years. The normal working schedule is three months in Ny-Ålesund and one month off.

If still you feel curious about the geodetic observatory, you have the requested background and you would like to work with us, please apply.

Duties and responsibilities

  • Frames of reference
  • VLBI operations
  • Observatory operations, maintenance, and technical work
  • System testing and troubleshooting
  • Quality management and administration

Personal qualifications

  • Relevant bachelor's degree in geodesy, geomatics, IT or equivalent. Master's degree is desirable.
  • Electronics or computing skills
  • Knowledge about radio frequencies
  • Good English skills. Scandinavian language would be a plus
  • Experience in radio astronomy or space geodesy would be beneficial
  • Drivers licence
  • Experience with Linux, Website development, C/C++ and/or Python experience

It is desirable that you have experience in radio astronomy or space geodesy

Personal qualities

  • Conscientious and loyal
  • Good technical abilities, versatility, flexibility and ability to solve challenges
  • Good team building and co-operational abilities
  • Like to teach and learn new things, be inclusive and allow for capacity building
  • Able to cope with being part of a small Arctic settlement

Employment conditions

Does it sound meaningful to work somewhere with an inspiring and useful social mission? Then we think you will enjoy staying with us! We offer the opportunity to work within exciting professional fields in an innovative organization that garners great trust in the population. With us, you get to work with committed and knowledgeable colleagues.

As an employee of the Norwegian Mapping Authority, you will be given frameworks that ensure a reasonable balance between work and free time. This involves flexible time, paid overtime and the opportunity to exercise during working hours. Membership in Statens pensjonskasse, which offers one of Norway's best pension schemes, is also included.

You will be employed as overingeniør (SKO 1087) / senioringeniør (SKO 1181), depending on your qualifications. These positions are 75 %, salary from NOK 600 000 to NOK 680 000 in 100 % position. For especially well-qualified candidates, higher remuneration can be considered.

Feel free to contact our station manager Susana Garcia Espada for more information about the positions, tel. 32 11 80 60.

We looking forward to receiving your application!


  • Företag
  • Ansökningstiden
  • Heltid/Deltid
  • Anställningsform
  • Bransch
    Oppmåling og kartlegging
  • Utbildningskrav
  • Arbetserfsrenhet
  • Adress
    9173, NY-ÅLESUND
  • Antal befattningar
  • Karriere-kod
  • Se här för andra jobb från Kartverket
  • Uppdaterad 27.10.2023