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Innlandet fylkeskommune

Elverum Upper Secondary School - IBDP Chemistry and Science Teaching Postition

Offentlig forvaltning - Fylkeskommunale etater

Elverum Upper Secondary School is looking for an experienced , IBDP Chemistry/Science teacher.

The successful candidate will form a pivotal and integral part of our IB programme be an innovative, reflective practitioner who can demonstrate a willingness to adapt and learn. We are looking for an individual with high expentations and standards.


Candidates must be able to demonstrate

  • how they have/will implement the Curriculum for IBDP
  • experience in planning and delivering lessons
  • understanding of using assessment data to track progress and promote learning
  • strong classroom management and pastoral skills
  • confidence in IT skills in administrative and teachin tasks

Why join us

  • competitive salary within county framework and insurance pension
  • well-recourced school with a strong commitment to ongoing PD both nationally, internationally and online
  • an experienced, committed, friendly and supportive staff
  • small class sizes, the average class size is approximately 12
  • access online curriculum support and resources
  • recent total refurbished campus with updated/modern lab equipment

About the position

  • in the first instance up to 100 % temporary position from 01.08.2024 - 31.07.2025
  • place of work: Elverum Upper Secondary School


  • to implement and deliever the IBDP programme in Chemistry HL/SL and at least one other subject 
  • to liaise with other Chemistry/Science teachers in our school to ensure consistency of assessment in the IBDP
  • to keep up-to-date records of assessment, attendance, and performance in line with school systems and according to local law
  • to support and work collegially with the whole school IBDP team
  • to work with, support, and communicate with parents with regard to their children's academic progress and pasterol matters
  • to play an active part in wider school activities, including after-school activities and school events


  • degree in Chemistry
  • formal teaching qualification
  • English proficiency equivalent to minimum C1 (advanced) on CEFR standard


  • previous international school experience 
  • experience in working with children who speak English as an additional language 
  • experience/qualification teaching other IBDP subjects 



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