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Helse Sør-øst RHF


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One position is available as bioengineer - a 18 months engagement – affiliated at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet 

We are seeking a skilled co-worker to take on a challenging project focusing on the airway microbiome in viral diseases. The project focuses on the discovery of microbiota profiles and related proteomics/ metabolomics. The research group Infectious Immunology led by Professor Marius Trøseid, has over the past decade established a strong clinical microbiome research environment. In the present project, the use of large-scale metagenomics, co-culture experiments and proteomics, will be applied to discover novel microbiota-related biomarkers.

The research group has broad experience within clinical translational research, including microbiota research and contribution to lab analyses within other projects will be encouraged, provided time and capacity. The position will be affiliated at the Research Institute for Internal medicine in close collaboration with Department of microbiology.

Oslo University Hospital is a workplace with great diversity. We believe this is crucial for solving our tasks in the best possible way. We want this diversity to be reflected among the applicants for our positions, and we encourage all qualified candidates, regardless of background, to apply!



Bioengineer holding a master or PhD
Documented wet-lab experience in microbiology is a prerequisite (including bacterial culture, cell culture, DNA extraction etc)
Experience with microbiome research will be taken into account

The application must include

Application letter
A one-page statement of motivation and research interests
CV (summarizing education, position and previous research projects)
Copies of relevant educational certificates
Names and contact details of 2-3 references (name, relation to candidate, e-mail and telephone number)

Personlige egenskaper:

Personal skills 

High working capacity and productivity
Strong motivation
Collaboration and flexibility
Excellent writing and oral communication in English

Vi tilbyr:

We can offer   

We are committed to ensuring that you thrive and develop.

A multi-national and friendly working environment located at Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet.

Pension arrangement and other welfare benefits

You will be part of a multidisciplinary work environment with high expertise, and you will collaborate extensively with dedicated colleagues who are leaders in their respective fields.

Does this sound like a position for you? We look forward to reading your application.

Contact person:
Marius Trøseid, Project leader
marius.troseid@medisin.uio.no ,Tel. +47 92440240
For further info about the research environment please see:
Marius Trøseid group (Infectious Immunology - Institute of Clinical Medicine (uio.no)
Research Institute for Internal medicine (https://ous-research.no/riim/)
Unit for genome dynamics (OUH - Unit for Genome Dynamics)