• Bransje
    Sjøtransport og shipping
  • Bedriftstype
    Privat aksjeselskap
  • Organisasjonsnummer
  • Opprettet år
  • Nettside
    Osm Maritime AS
  • Adresser
    Svinoddveien 12
    4836  ARENDAL

Osm Maritime AS oppføring hos:

Osm Maritime AS


We are looking for motivated people with a real passion for the offshore and maritime industry.

At OSM Maritime, we work to the highest standards for our clients and crew alike, offering both long and short-term opportunities with projects all over the world.

At OSM we look after our crew, focusing on health, education and welfare. Our people are the core of OSM Maritime and we take great pride in the strong working relationships we have with our crew and onshore teams.

Gå med i vår kandidatbank

Tycker du att vårt företag ser spännande ut? Anmäl ditt intresse, vi vill gärna ha dig i vår kandidatbank. Ställ dig först i kön och bli kontaktad när vi behöver folk.


Lediga tjänster

Vi har inga lediga tjänster just nu.