• Bransje
    Oppmåling og kartlegging
  • Bedriftstype
  • Organisasjonsnummer
  • Nettside
  • Adresser
  • Sosiale medier


We want to be an inclusive workplace, reflecting the diversity of the population. We need employees with different experiences, backgrounds, skills and qualifications to fulfil our social mission. We therefore want all qualified candidates to apply for a job with us, regardless of reduced functional ability, immigrant background, gaps in their CV or for various reasons cannot document a continuous professional career.

In order for you to be considered as an applicant in these groups (receive positive preferential treatment), you must meet certain requirements. You can read more about this here: http://arbeidsgiver.difi.no/positivsaerbehandling.

The regulations set requirements for both businesses and applicants with regard to positive preferential treatment when applying for jobs in the public sector in Norway.

Read more about the NMA on our website: www.kartverket.no

Gå med i vår kandidatbank

Tycker du att vårt företag ser spännande ut? Anmäl ditt intresse, vi vill gärna ha dig i vår kandidatbank. Ställ dig först i kön och bli kontaktad när vi behöver folk.


Lediga tjänster

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